How To Make Money On YouTube In 2018 - Useful Tips for Earn on YouTube

How To Make Money On YouTube In 2018
Lots of people talk about how they quit their day job and became full-time YouTubers. These stories can be very compelling. After all, who wouldn’t want to turn their passion into a bonafide career? While becoming a professional YouTuber is the ultimate dream, it does require a bit of a reality check. Just for reference, you make about $1,000 per one million views on YouTube. So, unless your videos are getting millions of views in a short period of time, every time, you might want to keep your day job and also explore YouTube monetization routes that don’t rely on views only.

But if you want to start dabbling in monetizing on YouTube or if you want to make a hefty side-profit from sharing on YouTube you will want to read this post.

You’ll need to post 2–3 times per week

You know the term ‘fake it till you make it’? Well, if you want to be a full-time YouTuber, you have to start acting like one. That means you need to post regularly — very, very regularly. Think about it, you don’t only go to work once a month and tell your boss ‘sorry, I was busy, but I am back now!’. Instead, you go to work every day, no excuses. You need to do the same on YouTube. You’ll need to post all the time to build your audience and ensure you have a steady stream of views.

Diversify your income streams
Remember how we said to not quit your day job in the opening paragraph? We didn’t say that to be rude — we said it because we want to make sure you maximize your earning potential. In this day-in-age, nothing is promised in terms of income. For example, many YouTubers saw their income decrease when the platform started giving creators less money from ads. Even if you do make enough to live on YouTube, you still want a secondary or third income stream. It is the safest route if one of your jobs doesn’t work out.

This is the most obvious one. You will need to hook your AdSense account to your YouTube channel so that you get paid per view. This is the most common route to make money on YouTube, however it is the least profitable. People do not make a ton of money from AdSense. So, you cannot rely on this method alone. This is particularly true if you are just starting out and don’t have millions of views on your channel yet.

Affiliate Links
Whether you use Amazon or Reward Style, affiliate links can be a great way to monetize your channel. If you run a beauty or fashion channel and you are constantly recommending products, affiliate links are a must-have. When you use an affiliate link, it is easy to make money. Basically, if someone buys something using the link you shared, you will get a small portion of the proceeds from the product purchase. So be sure to sign up for an affiliate program this year and use the links in your description box.

Sell digital-only products
Remember how we said you should really have multiple income streams? Well digital-only products are a great way to diversify your income. Digital-only products are great because you can sell unlimited products and you don’t have to worry about inventory. What are some examples of digital products? We’re glad you asked! Here are some thought starters:
camera presets
Photoshop actions
iPhone apps
When it comes to digital products, let your imagination guide you. Test as many products as you like to discover what works for you.

Sell Stock Images
Admit it, you take about a million selfies before you find the perfect one to post, right? Well what if we told you that you could sell those images to stock companies and make a bit of passive money off of that? Sites like Dreamtime and Shutterstock accept submissions for paid stock imagery.

Create and teach a course
If you’re part of Octoly, you should already know that you are incredibly talented and creative. Why not make a profit from your talent with an e-course? You can teach a makeup master classes or do a course on YouTube best practices or create a course about anything you are very good at, the choice is yours! Courses can be another really lucrative revenue stream for you to explore in 2018!
We also hope you continue to partner with brands and form meaningful branded partnerships in 2018! How else will you be making money on YouTube in the new year?


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